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Strategies for Healthier Meat Foods: An Overview
1Facultad de Ingeniería en Mecánica y Ciencias de la Producción, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil EC090112, Ecuador
2Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid 28040, Spain
3Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre (SFIDC), Saskatoon S7M 5V1, Canada
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Prev Nutr Food Sci 2024; 29(1): 18-30
Published March 31, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.
Consumers are increasingly concerned about the relationship between diet and health, which influences their choice to buy and consume functional or healthier foods (Nazir et al., 2019). Red meat and meat products are good sources of nutrients, such as high-quality proteins (e.g., essential, and nonessential amino acids), fatty acids, and various micronutrients, including iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, and B12 (Salter, 2018). However, excessive consumption of these products is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, which has been linked to their saturated fatty acids and cholesterol contents (Geiker et al., 2021). Reducing meat consumption has been associated with a decreased risk of developing various chronic diseases (Salter, 2018). Nonetheless, maintaining a moderate intake of meat remains crucial as it represents a key strategy for obtaining essential nutrients.
Meat products are useful matrices for the addition of different bioactive compounds for the development of functional foods and to reduce the unfavorable effects related to disproportionate meat intake, such as the high consumption of saturated fatty acids (Macho-González et al., 2021). Incorporating functional ingredients could benefit human health while meeting consumer expectations for nutritionally enhanced meat products (Manassi et al., 2022). Several studies have shown promising results for the reformulation of meat products to decrease the content of nitrites (Ferysiuk and Wójciak, 2020) and inorganic phosphates (Câmara et al., 2020) or to add a percentage of dietary fiber (Younis et al., 2022), and natural antioxidants (Niu et al., 2021). Pires et al. (2020), examined the use of echium oil and chia flour instead of pork and beef back fat in Bologna-type sausages. This substitution led to enhancements in the lipid profile, particularly through augmentation of the ω-3 content. This approach is a suitable method for enhancing the nutritional value of meat products.
In addition, researchers have actively replaced synthetic antioxidative agents with natural antioxidants because of their high phenolic and other active ingredient contents (Alirezalu et al., 2020). The research conducted by Suniati and Purnomo (2019) explored the use of Goroho banana flour as a natural antioxidant to replace tapioca flour in the production of Indonesian meatballs. The study had positive outcomes: substituting 50% and 100% of the tapioca flour with banana flour resulted in improved antioxidant capacity and higher phenol and tannin contents in the meatballs. These changes contributed to a delay in lipid oxidation and extended the shelf life of the final product. However, developing such meat products while preserving their sensory qualities and nutritional value represents a considerable challenge (Saldaña et al., 2021).
While several studies have highlighted the importance of employing effective techniques to develop functional meat products considering the processing and preservation techniques, only a limited number of studies have gathered comprehensive knowledge about these strategies. This includes aspects such as selecting suitable substitutes in the formulation and identifying the appropriate feed ingredients for the animal while maintaining the food’s health-promoting functions and sensory attributes. Therefore, this review aims to identify and synthesize the advancement and potential applications of these strategies, including some novel technologies regarding the aspects evaluated for conserving sensory characteristics and nutritional availability in meat products. In addition, brief information concerning the potential health benefits and challenges related to the development of functional meat products is provided.
This overview presents the literature published between 2017 and 2022. This study is based on a comprehensive review of information from three prominent scientific databases: Scopus (available at Reed Elsevier’s website:, Springer (accessible at, and the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (found at The articles were based on current scientific data on the strategies and techniques applied to achieve healthier meat products. The review explores a range of studies examining the modification of carcass composition through specialized feeding, the reformulation of meat products, and the optimization of processing conditions to provide pertinent insights into the implemented and evaluated strategies.
Perspective of the meat industry and the conceptions of meat consumption
Worldwide trends in consumption are pointing toward healthier food products that must provide positive effects on health after their intake besides their nutritional value (Banwo et al., 2021). Moreover, consumers demand foods that have undergone minimal processing, such as fresh or frozen products, because of the biological value dependence on the processing conditions (Fiolet et al., 2018). Processed or ultra-processed foods, such as sausages, ham, canned meat, and hot dogs, have been associated with cancer because they contain food additives such as sodium nitrite or titanium dioxide (Srour et al., 2019). Consequently, some consumers have switched to plant-based products and reduced meat consumption (Kwasny et al., 2022).
Alternatively, with population growth, a considerable increase in the demand for animal protein has been predicted by 2050, with pork being the most consumed meat, followed by chicken, beef, and lamb (Lynch et al., 2018). Despite a challenging 2020, global meat production remained stable even for the world’s largest meat exporters, who exported more meat in 2020 than in 2019 (FAO, 2021). Meat production in 2025 is estimated to increase by 16% compared with its production during 2013∼2015. In addition, over the last 50 years, meat consumption has increased from 61 g per person per day in 1961 to 80 g in 2011 (OECD and FAO, 2018). The growing market within the meat industry indicates greater chicken and poultry production. However, in developed countries, the products with the highest demand (representing more than half of the meat catalog products) are hamburgers, sausages, and meatloaf (Lynch et al., 2018).
From a public health perspective, the World Cancer Research Fund affirms that consumers in industrialized countries exceed the recommended nutritional intake of red and processed meat (Kwasny et al., 2022). The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of balancing the consumption of meat products based on the results of several epidemiological studies that relate meat consumption with the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases (Caprara, 2018). This relationship has been widely studied, although more evidence is required to prove that meat consumption increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer (Mensah et al., 2022).
Developing functional meat products
Trends toward healthier products have given rise to functional foods, which are based on reducing undesirable components formed during processing and simultaneously increasing the beneficial effects on the consumer’s health by using compounds with biological value (Guiné et al., 2020). Advances in healthy meat products have been achieved by adding compounds with specific benefits to a target audience with health issues such as cardiovascular disease (Pogorzelska-Nowicka et al., 2018). In addition to the adverse health effects of excessive consumption of processed meat products, meat is rich in bioactive components such as zinc, conjugated linoleic acid, iron, and B vitamins (Pogorzelska-Nowicka et al., 2018; Collier et al., 2021) and their essential unsaturated fatty acid content contributes to nutrition and human health (Ahmad et al., 2018).
Functional meat product development has been achieved by applying strategies to improve the number of beneficial compounds present in meat (Terry et al., 2021). The primary method for designing functional meat products was described by Macho-González et al. (2021). The strategies include increasing a component already present in the food, adding a component not present in the food, eliminating a harmful element in the food, substituting a harmful component for a healthier one, increasing the bioavailability of the added ingredient or bioactive substance, and mixing some or all of these strategies. Depending on the product, it is possible to modify the composition of the food by identifying the components that can be replaced, reduced, or added.
According to several studies, the most suitable phase for modification is the preparation phase, where reformulation is ideal for developing a range of derived products with known compositions and properties (Ruiz-Capillas and Herrero, 2021). The lipid and fatty acid content can be modified and/or functional ingredients such as fiber, vegetable proteins, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals can be added; even whole foods such as walnuts or seaweed can be incorporated (Macho-González et al., 2021). Numerous studies have provided evidence that modifying livestock through dietary and genetic manipulation is another effective strategy because of its influence on the nutrient composition variation of meat products (Juárez et al., 2021).
Modification of carcass composition through nutritional and genetic strategies
Livestock practices are the first way to improve the biological value of meat and meat products (Chikwanha et al., 2018). The meat components of interest can be modified through feeding or genetic manipulation of the animal; this strategy demonstrates functionality with the contents of lipids, vitamins, and minerals (Juárez et al., 2021).
According to a study by Correa et al. (2022), incorporating canola oil into the diet of Nellore cattle resulted in increased levels of unsaturated fat, ω-3, and conjugated linoleic acid in their meat. This led to an improved ω-6/ω-3 ratio and reduced the saturated fat content. Animals supplemented with 3% canola oil exhibited enhanced liver antioxidant status, lowered cholesterol levels in the longissimus thoracis muscle, increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the blood serum, and decreased levels of substances reactive to 2-thiobarbituric acid. The effect obtained with canola oil supplementation is associated with the antioxidants that are present (e.g., selenium and vitamin E), which are related to changes in cholesterol metabolism by the increased HDL cholesterol fraction in the blood (Khalifa et al., 2021). Canola oil supplementation in cattle diets is considered a potential strategy to provide healthier meat for human consumption, resulting in a better lipid profile than that found in beef meat, with higher ω-3 and lower cholesterol contents (Correa et al., 2022).
Reducing cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in meat for human consumption by incorporating vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and selenium, in cattle diets has also been a topic of interest for market and public health benefits (Sun et al., 2019; Surai et al., 2019). Several studies have alleged that vitamin E supplementation is essential for all animal species because of its antioxidant activity, which can protect cell membranes, thereby preventing peroxidative fat degradation in animal cells and the formation of free radicals (Mansour-Gueddes and Saidana-Naija, 2021; Salles et al., 2022). In a study by Silva et al. (2020), supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium was examined in Nellore cattle. Dietary inclusion of organic selenium resulted in a higher concentration of this mineral in meat cattle, specifically in the latissimus dorsi muscle. Moreover, the selenium source influenced the oxidative stability: animals that received inorganic selenium had a higher percentage of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, 15.51% higher than those supplemented with organic selenium (Silva et al., 2020).
Therefore, providing good nutrients, including trace minerals or vitamins, is necessary to meet the requirements of beef cattle and thus obtain maximum growth yield and better profitability for producers (Lee et al., 2020). Various methods exist for supplementing animal diets with trace minerals. In feedlot production systems, dietary supplementation is frequently employed to provide trace elements (Harvey et al., 2021). However, because of fluctuations in feed consumption, it cannot be guaranteed that animals will consistently receive the intended amounts of trace elements (Kırkpınar and Açıkgöz, 2018). Different methods of providing trace elements in a diet have different absorption rates and distinct production and health responses, such as providing trace elements through a rumen bolus (Goff, 2018). The advantage of the rumen bolus is that the animals receive similar amounts of trace elements; therefore, variation from one animal to another will be minimized (Hristov et al., 2019). The intake of trace elements through a bolus gives the animal a better carcass quality and optimal performance, especially during the finishing phase (Lee et al., 2020).
The addition of antioxidants to the animal diet has been considered as a strategy to increase the basal values of the lipid profile, optimizing the production of healthy meat, and providing economic benefits in the form of the prevention or reduction of antibiotics to combat diseases (Seidavi et al., 2022). Feeding a diet rich in antioxidants reduces the oxidation processes of cells. It prevents oxidative stress related to the appearance of diseases in farm animals (Corrêa et al., 2021). Meat quality is reflected in its color when it does not undergo oxidation reactions but provides nutritional improvement to the consumer (Cucci et al., 2020). Therefore, adding antioxidants to ruminant diets could be a valuable tool for preventing oxidative stress, which affects animal welfare and immune-related disease development (Mu et al., 2020; Elolimy et al., 2021).
Wen et al. (2022) studied the effects of dietary lycopene supplementation on the meat quality of finishing pigs. The results demonstrated that dietary supplementation with 200 mg/kg of lycopene improved meat color, nutritional value, and juiciness after slaughter. Modzelewska-Kapituła et al. (2018) reported a significant effect of herbal extract diet supplementation on the meat quality of 24 Holstein-Friesian bulls, referring to their proximate composition, technological properties, and sensory attributes.
The findings agreed with Tayengwa et al. (2020), who fed Angus steers 150 g/kg of dried citrus pulp and grape pomace as a dietary supplement for 90 days and evaluated their effect on meat quality and shelf life. The findings indicated that feeding steers with dried grape pulp improved the shelf life of beef during retail display by enhancing the antioxidant activity and reducing coliform and lipid and protein oxidation compared with dried citrus pulp and control diets (Tayengwa et al., 2020). Several studies have shown that animal nutrition is essential for regulating the biological processes of muscles, such as muscle protein turnover (Modzelewska-Kapituła et al., 2018). Incorporating certain compounds into cattle diets is a suitable strategy for reducing oxidative damage in meat tissue; oxidative damage leads to a decrease in meat quality, including its sensory attributes, technological properties, and nutritional value (Tayengwa et al., 2020).
In addition to genetic strategies, aging has become a viable technique for improving the sensory attributes of meat because tenderization occurs over time, making the meat more tender after slaughter (Monteiro et al., 2022). Momot et al. (2020) determined the effects of bovine genotype and slaughter age on the mineral content and fatty acid profile of meat. The results showed that the intramuscular fat content of the longissimus thoracis muscle increased by up to 1.80% with age. The slaughter age significantly affected the concentrations of saturated, monounsaturated, and unsaturated fatty acids as well as the monounsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio in bull longissimus thoracis muscles (Momot et al., 2020). Table 1 summarizes the approaches used to obtain healthier meat.
Table 1 . Approaches for the development of healthier meat
Host Population (n) Dosage Feeding ingredient Duration (d) Objective Result Reference Male pigs 96 3% Fish oil 98 Reduce fat and improve lipid profile High quality meat with the highest content of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Almeida et al., 2021 Nelore bulls 48 3%
2.5 mg/kg of dry matter
500 UI of vitamin E/kgCanola oil
Vitamin E84 Improve lipid profile Increased unsaturated fatty acids and ω-3 and linoleic acid levels
Decreased saturated fat
Improved the ω-6/ω-3 ratioCorrea et al., 2022 Nelore bovine 63 0.3, 0.9, and 2.7 mg Se/kg of dry matter Organic selenium 84 Increase mineral content of meat Reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
Higher selenium concentration in meatSilva et al., 2020 Lambs 48 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg of dry matter Grape seed extract 45 Improve liver function, growth performance and meat quality in the longissimus dorsi muscle Increased the total antioxidative capacity, catalase, glutathione per-oxidase, and superoxide dismutase activity in the longissimus dorsi muscle Mu et al., 2020 Finishing pigs 18 100 and 200 mg/kg Lycopene 70 Improve meat quality Increased muscle redness intramuscular fat, crude protein contents, and juiciness of pork after slaughter Wen et al., 2022 Holstein-Friesian bulls 24 20, 40 g/animal/d Herbal extracts(optirum and stresomix) 150 Improve meat quality Beneficial technological properties and sensory tenderness of longissimus lumborum muscles Modzelewska-Kapituła et al., 2018 Angus steers 24 150 g/kg Grape pomace pulp 90 Extent shelf-life Enhancement of antioxidant activity and reduction of coliforms, lipid, and protein oxidation Tayengwa et al., 2020
Meat products: reformulation
The strategies followed by the food industry are concerned with product reformulation by adding health-enhancing ingredients and limiting undesirable components (de Souza Paglarini et al., 2018). Two possible approaches can be applied through reformulation: reducing the harmful components present in these products, such as nitrites and phosphates, or incorporating ingredients that are potentially beneficial to health, such as dietary fiber, probiotics, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants (Ursachi et al., 2020).
Regarding reformulation and the addition of antioxidants to meat products, other authors have presented the incorporation of pomegranate peel. Numerous studies have demonstrated interest in this by-product as a nutritional or medicinal product because of its high levels of polyphonic compounds, which are attributed to its powerful antifungal properties as an alternative to synthetic antioxidants (Smaoui et al., 2021). Ghimire et al. (2022) studied the performance of aqueous pomegranate peel extract (1% and 1.5%) of the Ganesh variety as a natural antioxidant in ground buffalo meat during storage at 4°C. The extracts presented significant antioxidant activity in buffalo ground meat regarding peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance values and conferred a considerable reduction in antimicrobial activity regarding the total plate counts compared with 0.01% BHT and the control sample (Ghimire et al., 2022). Morsy et al. (2018) obtained similar results regarding antioxidant and antimicrobial activity by incorporating lyophilized pomegranate peel nanoparticles (1% and 1.5%) into beef meatballs.
The incorporation of herbal extracts such as green and black tea (
Several studies have been conducted to develop nitrite substitutes from vegetable powders, such as radish (Jeong et al., 2020a), beetroot (Ozaki et al., 2021), Chinese cabbage (Jeong et al., 2020b), celery (Pennisi et al., 2020), flaxseed and tomato powders (Ghafouri-Oskuei et al., 2020). The addition of vegetable powders has demonstrated successful results in terms of the quality properties and shelf-life stability of nitrite/nitrate, and they are therefore potential alternatives for developing healthier meat products.
The use of different vegetable oils with other protein/starchy ingredients, such as pseudocereal flours, has also been studied for the stability of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions (Fernández-López et al., 2021). Pintado et al. (2018) presented an interesting approach to evaluate the effect of incorporating O/W emulsion gels using chia and oat flour with olive oil as animal fat replacers in reduced-fat fresh sausages during chilled storage (18 days at 2°C). Sausages reformulated with chia and oat emulsion gels had improved fat contents, with high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and reduced saturated fatty acids. However, the addition of chia and oat gels affected specific technological properties such as water and fat binding properties, sensory characteristics, and texture profile (Pintado et al., 2018). Incorporating vegetable oils directly can affect the binding capacity and stability of the meat protein matrix, thereby diminishing the textural quality (Chen et al., 2020). In this sense, pre-emulsification of unsaturated oils has appeared as an acceptable method for improving the emulsion stability and lipid profile to compensate for the impacts of animal fat without diminishing the technological quality (Bolger et al., 2018). Urgu-Öztürk et al. (2020) incorporated pre-emulsified hazelnut oil (0%, 50%, and 100%) and hazelnut powder (0%, 3%, and 6%) into sausage formulations as beef fat substitutes to determine the impacts on the lipid profile and the sensory and oxidative properties during 60 days of storage at 4°C. Partial or total replacement of beef fat with pre-emulsified hazelnut oil plus hazelnut powder not only decreased the saturated fat content and increased the unsaturated fat content but also resulted in sausages with textural, sensory, and technological qualities equivalent to those of commercial sausages (Urgu-Öztürk et al., 2020).
Therefore, the meat industry has many new opportunities for developing functional meat products by considering reformulation with plant-based ingredients that have functional and technological properties. Recent reformulation approaches in meat products have assisted the design of healthier products without a decrease in quality and are strongly influenced by sustainability and safety alternatives. However, the application of conventional techniques for developing and preserving healthier meat products should also be considered primarily for quality attributes and heat-sensitive compound loss risk (Sandesh Suresh and Kudre, 2022).
Table 2 . Approaches for developing healthier meat products
Strategy Meat product Ingredient added Percentage added (%) Replaced/reduced ingredient Result Reference Replacing synthetic components Cooked pork meat patties Walnut leaf powder 0.2 and 0.5 BHT (0.1%) Walnut at 0.5% in cooked pork patties was more effective than 0.1% BHT in reducing the lipid oxidation Boruzi and Nour, 2019 Ground buffalo meat Ganesh pomegranate peel extract 1 and 1.5 BHT (0.01%) Improved the preservation under storage at 4°C. Higher content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Lower Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values Ghimire et al., 2022 Pork sausages Green and black tea extracts 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.3 BHT (0.1%) Reduction of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values. Overall acceptability (color, odor, texture, juiciness, and taste) Jayawardana et al., 2019 Meatballs Green tea extract 1 BHT (0.01%) Oxidative stability after 90 days of frozen storage. Extended shelf-life. Improved acceptability Wojtasik-Kalinowska et al., 2021 Fermented dry sausages Radish powders 0.5 and 1 Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate (150 mg/kg) Accomplished nitrite and nitrate substitution, regarding pH, color, and lactic acid bacteria development Ozaki et al., 2021 Reducing synthetic components Frankfurters Brown edible seaweeds 1 Salt (NaCl) 50%
Fat 21%Improved the nutritional quality through mainly salt reduction. Significant differences in sensory and textural attributes Vilar et al., 2020 Turkey meat sausages Lyophilized Cystoseira barbata seaweed0.2 and 0.4 Sodium nitrite (70 ppm) Inhibitory microbial effect and retarded lipid oxidation Sellimi et al., 2017 Beef sausages Tomato powder
Flaxseed powder3 Sodium nitrite residue Increased of Linolenic acids, lycopene, protein, and fiber. Maintained sensorial characteristics on cooked and fried sausages Ghafouri-Oskuei et al., 2020 Low-fat Bologna sausages Chia mucilage powder and gel 2 Phosphate (50%)
Fat (50%)Better emulsion stability and overall acceptance Câmara et al., 2020 Fresh sausages ( longaniza )Chia and oat emulsion gels 27 Fat (75%) Improved monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Increased minerals content and α linolenic acid Pintado et al., 2018 Beef sausages Pre-emulsified hazelnut oil 50 and 100 Fat (50%) Decreases saturated fats, and increases unsaturated fats Urgu-Öztürk et al., 2020 Hazelnut powder 3 and 6 Equivalent texture, sensory, and technological quality to standards BHT, butylhydroxytoluene.
Processing and conditions of conservation and consumption
Different factors associated with processing, conservation, and consumption conditions can result in harmful compounds or biological values (Rebezov et al., 2022). Possible alterations in the density variation of some substances, such as nitrosamines and polycyclic and biogenic amines, can affect the taste of the meat or have harmful health consequences (Flores et al., 2019). Although present in a wide variety of meat products, these compounds are considered carcinogenic and are mainly produced from chemical reactions between the nitrifying agents and secondary amines present in the complex matrix. These compounds may be influenced by many factors, such as nitrite content, degree of protein oxidation, and processing methods, such as fermentation and curing (Lu et al., 2022).
This nonthermal technology has also shown potential application in preserving packaged food products against pathogenic microbes, offering antimicrobial treatment for food already sealed in packages (Gao et al., 2021; Jadhav and Annapure, 2021). For example, Bauer et al. (2017) reported favorable results with the application of atmospheric cold plasma in packed beef longissimus, which resulted in a log 2 reduction of inoculated
Another meat product ingredient that must be reduced is sodium chloride (NaCl). NaCl is responsible for conferring a high risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in people who excessively consume NaCl from meat products (Kim et al., 2021). Although the addition of NaCl improves the solubilization of proteins, enhances flavor, and increases the shelf life of the food product, in some products, potassium chloride can be used as a substitute for NaCl to reduce sodium levels (Tan et al., 2022).
There is a growing interest in incorporating seaweeds (Vilar et al., 2020) instead of synthetic additives. The addition of functional compounds to meat products gives them advantages over conventional meat products. Incorporating seaweeds, a type of algae, in the formulation of meat products creates a source of biocompounds that offer health benefits due to their antioxidant capacity potential and their antihyperlipidemic, antihypertensive, and anticancer properties (Gullón et al., 2020). Algae can be incorporated in concentrations up to 40%, significantly reducing the microbial count (Wang et al., 2018). These marine ingredients contain high levels of vitamins, protein, minerals, and dietary fiber; however, their consumption is relatively low in Western countries despite being a product that can be easily purchased and at low cost (Gullón et al., 2020). The bioactive ingredients present in algae can give meat products functional properties, including antioxidant, neuroprotective, and antigenotoxic properties, resulting in healthier foods (Wang et al., 2023).
In the study conducted by Quitral et al. (2019), sausages with added algae had a low level of nitrites (up to 26% lower compared to conventional sausages) and maintained their physicochemical characteristics. Moreover, the partial or total substitution of nitrite in meat products has been investigated in several studies due to its detrimental effect on human health (Ferysiuk and Wójciak, 2020). Plant-based ingredients, as natural antioxidants, have been studied as a partial substitute for nitrite. However, their use has been limited due to alterations in the sensory and textural attributes of the food (Šojić et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the combination of natural antioxidants seems to be an effective way to maintain the sensory characteristics, product quality, and reduction in nitrite content (Šojić et al., 2020).
The association between meat consumption and chronic disease has sparked much debate, but meat production and distribution remain crucial for the global economy and food supply. This presents an opportunity for the development of healthy and functional meat products. Various studies have suggested approaches and guidelines for modifying meat composition through genetic engineering or livestock feeding by incorporating bioactive ingredients. Reformulating products with bioactive compounds such as unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics, and vitamins is also valuable. Processing and storage conditions, including innovative technologies such as HPP, can enhance the presence of biologically significant compounds. Evaluating the impact of processing, reformulation, and compositional changes is necessary to develop competitive strategies in the meat industry.
The authors also acknowledge the Food Safety and Process Management Master’s Program of ESPOL for providing resources and materials.
This research was supported by the Dean of Research at ESPOL in 2022∼2023.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish.
Concept and design: CE, PJC. Writing the article: CE, MB, CB, HT. Critical revision of the article: JC, MRP, CE, PJC. Final approval of the article: all authors. Obtained funding: PJC. Overall responsibility: PJC.
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Prev Nutr Food Sci 2024; 29(1): 18-30
Published online March 31, 2024
Copyright © The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.
Strategies for Healthier Meat Foods: An Overview
Cindy Espinales1 , María Baldeón1
, Cinthya Bravo1
, Howard Toledo1
, José Carballo2
, María Romero-Peña1,3
, Patricio J. Cáceres1
1Facultad de Ingeniería en Mecánica y Ciencias de la Producción, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil EC090112, Ecuador
2Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid 28040, Spain
3Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre (SFIDC), Saskatoon S7M 5V1, Canada
Correspondence to:Patricio J. Cáceres, E-mail:
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Functional food products remain the focus of current market trends toward healthier nutrition. The consumption of meat-based functional foods has been a topic of interest in food innovation since some of these products generate controversy due to their possible adverse effects on health. However, studies have demonstrated that meat-based functional products are considered an opportunity to improve the nutritional profile of meat products through the addition of biologically valuable components and to meet the specific needs of consumers. In this sense, some strategies and techniques are applied for processing and developing functional meat products, such as modifying carcass composition through feeding, reformulating meat products, and processing conditions. This review focuses on presenting developed and evaluated strategies that allow the production of healthy and functional meat foods, which application has successfully achieved the sensory, nutritional, and technological parameters mainly affected by such application.
Keywords: consumer behavior, food technology, functional foods, meat products, nutritional requirements
Consumers are increasingly concerned about the relationship between diet and health, which influences their choice to buy and consume functional or healthier foods (Nazir et al., 2019). Red meat and meat products are good sources of nutrients, such as high-quality proteins (e.g., essential, and nonessential amino acids), fatty acids, and various micronutrients, including iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, and B12 (Salter, 2018). However, excessive consumption of these products is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, which has been linked to their saturated fatty acids and cholesterol contents (Geiker et al., 2021). Reducing meat consumption has been associated with a decreased risk of developing various chronic diseases (Salter, 2018). Nonetheless, maintaining a moderate intake of meat remains crucial as it represents a key strategy for obtaining essential nutrients.
Meat products are useful matrices for the addition of different bioactive compounds for the development of functional foods and to reduce the unfavorable effects related to disproportionate meat intake, such as the high consumption of saturated fatty acids (Macho-González et al., 2021). Incorporating functional ingredients could benefit human health while meeting consumer expectations for nutritionally enhanced meat products (Manassi et al., 2022). Several studies have shown promising results for the reformulation of meat products to decrease the content of nitrites (Ferysiuk and Wójciak, 2020) and inorganic phosphates (Câmara et al., 2020) or to add a percentage of dietary fiber (Younis et al., 2022), and natural antioxidants (Niu et al., 2021). Pires et al. (2020), examined the use of echium oil and chia flour instead of pork and beef back fat in Bologna-type sausages. This substitution led to enhancements in the lipid profile, particularly through augmentation of the ω-3 content. This approach is a suitable method for enhancing the nutritional value of meat products.
In addition, researchers have actively replaced synthetic antioxidative agents with natural antioxidants because of their high phenolic and other active ingredient contents (Alirezalu et al., 2020). The research conducted by Suniati and Purnomo (2019) explored the use of Goroho banana flour as a natural antioxidant to replace tapioca flour in the production of Indonesian meatballs. The study had positive outcomes: substituting 50% and 100% of the tapioca flour with banana flour resulted in improved antioxidant capacity and higher phenol and tannin contents in the meatballs. These changes contributed to a delay in lipid oxidation and extended the shelf life of the final product. However, developing such meat products while preserving their sensory qualities and nutritional value represents a considerable challenge (Saldaña et al., 2021).
While several studies have highlighted the importance of employing effective techniques to develop functional meat products considering the processing and preservation techniques, only a limited number of studies have gathered comprehensive knowledge about these strategies. This includes aspects such as selecting suitable substitutes in the formulation and identifying the appropriate feed ingredients for the animal while maintaining the food’s health-promoting functions and sensory attributes. Therefore, this review aims to identify and synthesize the advancement and potential applications of these strategies, including some novel technologies regarding the aspects evaluated for conserving sensory characteristics and nutritional availability in meat products. In addition, brief information concerning the potential health benefits and challenges related to the development of functional meat products is provided.
This overview presents the literature published between 2017 and 2022. This study is based on a comprehensive review of information from three prominent scientific databases: Scopus (available at Reed Elsevier’s website:, Springer (accessible at, and the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (found at The articles were based on current scientific data on the strategies and techniques applied to achieve healthier meat products. The review explores a range of studies examining the modification of carcass composition through specialized feeding, the reformulation of meat products, and the optimization of processing conditions to provide pertinent insights into the implemented and evaluated strategies.
Perspective of the meat industry and the conceptions of meat consumption
Worldwide trends in consumption are pointing toward healthier food products that must provide positive effects on health after their intake besides their nutritional value (Banwo et al., 2021). Moreover, consumers demand foods that have undergone minimal processing, such as fresh or frozen products, because of the biological value dependence on the processing conditions (Fiolet et al., 2018). Processed or ultra-processed foods, such as sausages, ham, canned meat, and hot dogs, have been associated with cancer because they contain food additives such as sodium nitrite or titanium dioxide (Srour et al., 2019). Consequently, some consumers have switched to plant-based products and reduced meat consumption (Kwasny et al., 2022).
Alternatively, with population growth, a considerable increase in the demand for animal protein has been predicted by 2050, with pork being the most consumed meat, followed by chicken, beef, and lamb (Lynch et al., 2018). Despite a challenging 2020, global meat production remained stable even for the world’s largest meat exporters, who exported more meat in 2020 than in 2019 (FAO, 2021). Meat production in 2025 is estimated to increase by 16% compared with its production during 2013∼2015. In addition, over the last 50 years, meat consumption has increased from 61 g per person per day in 1961 to 80 g in 2011 (OECD and FAO, 2018). The growing market within the meat industry indicates greater chicken and poultry production. However, in developed countries, the products with the highest demand (representing more than half of the meat catalog products) are hamburgers, sausages, and meatloaf (Lynch et al., 2018).
From a public health perspective, the World Cancer Research Fund affirms that consumers in industrialized countries exceed the recommended nutritional intake of red and processed meat (Kwasny et al., 2022). The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of balancing the consumption of meat products based on the results of several epidemiological studies that relate meat consumption with the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases (Caprara, 2018). This relationship has been widely studied, although more evidence is required to prove that meat consumption increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer (Mensah et al., 2022).
Developing functional meat products
Trends toward healthier products have given rise to functional foods, which are based on reducing undesirable components formed during processing and simultaneously increasing the beneficial effects on the consumer’s health by using compounds with biological value (Guiné et al., 2020). Advances in healthy meat products have been achieved by adding compounds with specific benefits to a target audience with health issues such as cardiovascular disease (Pogorzelska-Nowicka et al., 2018). In addition to the adverse health effects of excessive consumption of processed meat products, meat is rich in bioactive components such as zinc, conjugated linoleic acid, iron, and B vitamins (Pogorzelska-Nowicka et al., 2018; Collier et al., 2021) and their essential unsaturated fatty acid content contributes to nutrition and human health (Ahmad et al., 2018).
Functional meat product development has been achieved by applying strategies to improve the number of beneficial compounds present in meat (Terry et al., 2021). The primary method for designing functional meat products was described by Macho-González et al. (2021). The strategies include increasing a component already present in the food, adding a component not present in the food, eliminating a harmful element in the food, substituting a harmful component for a healthier one, increasing the bioavailability of the added ingredient or bioactive substance, and mixing some or all of these strategies. Depending on the product, it is possible to modify the composition of the food by identifying the components that can be replaced, reduced, or added.
According to several studies, the most suitable phase for modification is the preparation phase, where reformulation is ideal for developing a range of derived products with known compositions and properties (Ruiz-Capillas and Herrero, 2021). The lipid and fatty acid content can be modified and/or functional ingredients such as fiber, vegetable proteins, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals can be added; even whole foods such as walnuts or seaweed can be incorporated (Macho-González et al., 2021). Numerous studies have provided evidence that modifying livestock through dietary and genetic manipulation is another effective strategy because of its influence on the nutrient composition variation of meat products (Juárez et al., 2021).
Modification of carcass composition through nutritional and genetic strategies
Livestock practices are the first way to improve the biological value of meat and meat products (Chikwanha et al., 2018). The meat components of interest can be modified through feeding or genetic manipulation of the animal; this strategy demonstrates functionality with the contents of lipids, vitamins, and minerals (Juárez et al., 2021).
According to a study by Correa et al. (2022), incorporating canola oil into the diet of Nellore cattle resulted in increased levels of unsaturated fat, ω-3, and conjugated linoleic acid in their meat. This led to an improved ω-6/ω-3 ratio and reduced the saturated fat content. Animals supplemented with 3% canola oil exhibited enhanced liver antioxidant status, lowered cholesterol levels in the longissimus thoracis muscle, increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in the blood serum, and decreased levels of substances reactive to 2-thiobarbituric acid. The effect obtained with canola oil supplementation is associated with the antioxidants that are present (e.g., selenium and vitamin E), which are related to changes in cholesterol metabolism by the increased HDL cholesterol fraction in the blood (Khalifa et al., 2021). Canola oil supplementation in cattle diets is considered a potential strategy to provide healthier meat for human consumption, resulting in a better lipid profile than that found in beef meat, with higher ω-3 and lower cholesterol contents (Correa et al., 2022).
Reducing cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in meat for human consumption by incorporating vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and selenium, in cattle diets has also been a topic of interest for market and public health benefits (Sun et al., 2019; Surai et al., 2019). Several studies have alleged that vitamin E supplementation is essential for all animal species because of its antioxidant activity, which can protect cell membranes, thereby preventing peroxidative fat degradation in animal cells and the formation of free radicals (Mansour-Gueddes and Saidana-Naija, 2021; Salles et al., 2022). In a study by Silva et al. (2020), supplementation with organic and inorganic selenium was examined in Nellore cattle. Dietary inclusion of organic selenium resulted in a higher concentration of this mineral in meat cattle, specifically in the latissimus dorsi muscle. Moreover, the selenium source influenced the oxidative stability: animals that received inorganic selenium had a higher percentage of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, 15.51% higher than those supplemented with organic selenium (Silva et al., 2020).
Therefore, providing good nutrients, including trace minerals or vitamins, is necessary to meet the requirements of beef cattle and thus obtain maximum growth yield and better profitability for producers (Lee et al., 2020). Various methods exist for supplementing animal diets with trace minerals. In feedlot production systems, dietary supplementation is frequently employed to provide trace elements (Harvey et al., 2021). However, because of fluctuations in feed consumption, it cannot be guaranteed that animals will consistently receive the intended amounts of trace elements (Kırkpınar and Açıkgöz, 2018). Different methods of providing trace elements in a diet have different absorption rates and distinct production and health responses, such as providing trace elements through a rumen bolus (Goff, 2018). The advantage of the rumen bolus is that the animals receive similar amounts of trace elements; therefore, variation from one animal to another will be minimized (Hristov et al., 2019). The intake of trace elements through a bolus gives the animal a better carcass quality and optimal performance, especially during the finishing phase (Lee et al., 2020).
The addition of antioxidants to the animal diet has been considered as a strategy to increase the basal values of the lipid profile, optimizing the production of healthy meat, and providing economic benefits in the form of the prevention or reduction of antibiotics to combat diseases (Seidavi et al., 2022). Feeding a diet rich in antioxidants reduces the oxidation processes of cells. It prevents oxidative stress related to the appearance of diseases in farm animals (Corrêa et al., 2021). Meat quality is reflected in its color when it does not undergo oxidation reactions but provides nutritional improvement to the consumer (Cucci et al., 2020). Therefore, adding antioxidants to ruminant diets could be a valuable tool for preventing oxidative stress, which affects animal welfare and immune-related disease development (Mu et al., 2020; Elolimy et al., 2021).
Wen et al. (2022) studied the effects of dietary lycopene supplementation on the meat quality of finishing pigs. The results demonstrated that dietary supplementation with 200 mg/kg of lycopene improved meat color, nutritional value, and juiciness after slaughter. Modzelewska-Kapituła et al. (2018) reported a significant effect of herbal extract diet supplementation on the meat quality of 24 Holstein-Friesian bulls, referring to their proximate composition, technological properties, and sensory attributes.
The findings agreed with Tayengwa et al. (2020), who fed Angus steers 150 g/kg of dried citrus pulp and grape pomace as a dietary supplement for 90 days and evaluated their effect on meat quality and shelf life. The findings indicated that feeding steers with dried grape pulp improved the shelf life of beef during retail display by enhancing the antioxidant activity and reducing coliform and lipid and protein oxidation compared with dried citrus pulp and control diets (Tayengwa et al., 2020). Several studies have shown that animal nutrition is essential for regulating the biological processes of muscles, such as muscle protein turnover (Modzelewska-Kapituła et al., 2018). Incorporating certain compounds into cattle diets is a suitable strategy for reducing oxidative damage in meat tissue; oxidative damage leads to a decrease in meat quality, including its sensory attributes, technological properties, and nutritional value (Tayengwa et al., 2020).
In addition to genetic strategies, aging has become a viable technique for improving the sensory attributes of meat because tenderization occurs over time, making the meat more tender after slaughter (Monteiro et al., 2022). Momot et al. (2020) determined the effects of bovine genotype and slaughter age on the mineral content and fatty acid profile of meat. The results showed that the intramuscular fat content of the longissimus thoracis muscle increased by up to 1.80% with age. The slaughter age significantly affected the concentrations of saturated, monounsaturated, and unsaturated fatty acids as well as the monounsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio in bull longissimus thoracis muscles (Momot et al., 2020). Table 1 summarizes the approaches used to obtain healthier meat.
Table 1 . Approaches for the development of healthier meat.
Host Population (n) Dosage Feeding ingredient Duration (d) Objective Result Reference Male pigs 96 3% Fish oil 98 Reduce fat and improve lipid profile High quality meat with the highest content of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Almeida et al., 2021 Nelore bulls 48 3%
2.5 mg/kg of dry matter
500 UI of vitamin E/kgCanola oil
Vitamin E84 Improve lipid profile Increased unsaturated fatty acids and ω-3 and linoleic acid levels
Decreased saturated fat
Improved the ω-6/ω-3 ratioCorrea et al., 2022 Nelore bovine 63 0.3, 0.9, and 2.7 mg Se/kg of dry matter Organic selenium 84 Increase mineral content of meat Reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
Higher selenium concentration in meatSilva et al., 2020 Lambs 48 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg of dry matter Grape seed extract 45 Improve liver function, growth performance and meat quality in the longissimus dorsi muscle Increased the total antioxidative capacity, catalase, glutathione per-oxidase, and superoxide dismutase activity in the longissimus dorsi muscle Mu et al., 2020 Finishing pigs 18 100 and 200 mg/kg Lycopene 70 Improve meat quality Increased muscle redness intramuscular fat, crude protein contents, and juiciness of pork after slaughter Wen et al., 2022 Holstein-Friesian bulls 24 20, 40 g/animal/d Herbal extracts(optirum and stresomix) 150 Improve meat quality Beneficial technological properties and sensory tenderness of longissimus lumborum muscles Modzelewska-Kapituła et al., 2018 Angus steers 24 150 g/kg Grape pomace pulp 90 Extent shelf-life Enhancement of antioxidant activity and reduction of coliforms, lipid, and protein oxidation Tayengwa et al., 2020
Meat products: reformulation
The strategies followed by the food industry are concerned with product reformulation by adding health-enhancing ingredients and limiting undesirable components (de Souza Paglarini et al., 2018). Two possible approaches can be applied through reformulation: reducing the harmful components present in these products, such as nitrites and phosphates, or incorporating ingredients that are potentially beneficial to health, such as dietary fiber, probiotics, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants (Ursachi et al., 2020).
Regarding reformulation and the addition of antioxidants to meat products, other authors have presented the incorporation of pomegranate peel. Numerous studies have demonstrated interest in this by-product as a nutritional or medicinal product because of its high levels of polyphonic compounds, which are attributed to its powerful antifungal properties as an alternative to synthetic antioxidants (Smaoui et al., 2021). Ghimire et al. (2022) studied the performance of aqueous pomegranate peel extract (1% and 1.5%) of the Ganesh variety as a natural antioxidant in ground buffalo meat during storage at 4°C. The extracts presented significant antioxidant activity in buffalo ground meat regarding peroxide and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance values and conferred a considerable reduction in antimicrobial activity regarding the total plate counts compared with 0.01% BHT and the control sample (Ghimire et al., 2022). Morsy et al. (2018) obtained similar results regarding antioxidant and antimicrobial activity by incorporating lyophilized pomegranate peel nanoparticles (1% and 1.5%) into beef meatballs.
The incorporation of herbal extracts such as green and black tea (
Several studies have been conducted to develop nitrite substitutes from vegetable powders, such as radish (Jeong et al., 2020a), beetroot (Ozaki et al., 2021), Chinese cabbage (Jeong et al., 2020b), celery (Pennisi et al., 2020), flaxseed and tomato powders (Ghafouri-Oskuei et al., 2020). The addition of vegetable powders has demonstrated successful results in terms of the quality properties and shelf-life stability of nitrite/nitrate, and they are therefore potential alternatives for developing healthier meat products.
The use of different vegetable oils with other protein/starchy ingredients, such as pseudocereal flours, has also been studied for the stability of oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions (Fernández-López et al., 2021). Pintado et al. (2018) presented an interesting approach to evaluate the effect of incorporating O/W emulsion gels using chia and oat flour with olive oil as animal fat replacers in reduced-fat fresh sausages during chilled storage (18 days at 2°C). Sausages reformulated with chia and oat emulsion gels had improved fat contents, with high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and reduced saturated fatty acids. However, the addition of chia and oat gels affected specific technological properties such as water and fat binding properties, sensory characteristics, and texture profile (Pintado et al., 2018). Incorporating vegetable oils directly can affect the binding capacity and stability of the meat protein matrix, thereby diminishing the textural quality (Chen et al., 2020). In this sense, pre-emulsification of unsaturated oils has appeared as an acceptable method for improving the emulsion stability and lipid profile to compensate for the impacts of animal fat without diminishing the technological quality (Bolger et al., 2018). Urgu-Öztürk et al. (2020) incorporated pre-emulsified hazelnut oil (0%, 50%, and 100%) and hazelnut powder (0%, 3%, and 6%) into sausage formulations as beef fat substitutes to determine the impacts on the lipid profile and the sensory and oxidative properties during 60 days of storage at 4°C. Partial or total replacement of beef fat with pre-emulsified hazelnut oil plus hazelnut powder not only decreased the saturated fat content and increased the unsaturated fat content but also resulted in sausages with textural, sensory, and technological qualities equivalent to those of commercial sausages (Urgu-Öztürk et al., 2020).
Therefore, the meat industry has many new opportunities for developing functional meat products by considering reformulation with plant-based ingredients that have functional and technological properties. Recent reformulation approaches in meat products have assisted the design of healthier products without a decrease in quality and are strongly influenced by sustainability and safety alternatives. However, the application of conventional techniques for developing and preserving healthier meat products should also be considered primarily for quality attributes and heat-sensitive compound loss risk (Sandesh Suresh and Kudre, 2022).
Table 2 . Approaches for developing healthier meat products.
Strategy Meat product Ingredient added Percentage added (%) Replaced/reduced ingredient Result Reference Replacing synthetic components Cooked pork meat patties Walnut leaf powder 0.2 and 0.5 BHT (0.1%) Walnut at 0.5% in cooked pork patties was more effective than 0.1% BHT in reducing the lipid oxidation Boruzi and Nour, 2019 Ground buffalo meat Ganesh pomegranate peel extract 1 and 1.5 BHT (0.01%) Improved the preservation under storage at 4°C. Higher content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Lower Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values Ghimire et al., 2022 Pork sausages Green and black tea extracts 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.3 BHT (0.1%) Reduction of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values. Overall acceptability (color, odor, texture, juiciness, and taste) Jayawardana et al., 2019 Meatballs Green tea extract 1 BHT (0.01%) Oxidative stability after 90 days of frozen storage. Extended shelf-life. Improved acceptability Wojtasik-Kalinowska et al., 2021 Fermented dry sausages Radish powders 0.5 and 1 Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate (150 mg/kg) Accomplished nitrite and nitrate substitution, regarding pH, color, and lactic acid bacteria development Ozaki et al., 2021 Reducing synthetic components Frankfurters Brown edible seaweeds 1 Salt (NaCl) 50%
Fat 21%Improved the nutritional quality through mainly salt reduction. Significant differences in sensory and textural attributes Vilar et al., 2020 Turkey meat sausages Lyophilized Cystoseira barbata seaweed0.2 and 0.4 Sodium nitrite (70 ppm) Inhibitory microbial effect and retarded lipid oxidation Sellimi et al., 2017 Beef sausages Tomato powder
Flaxseed powder3 Sodium nitrite residue Increased of Linolenic acids, lycopene, protein, and fiber. Maintained sensorial characteristics on cooked and fried sausages Ghafouri-Oskuei et al., 2020 Low-fat Bologna sausages Chia mucilage powder and gel 2 Phosphate (50%)
Fat (50%)Better emulsion stability and overall acceptance Câmara et al., 2020 Fresh sausages ( longaniza )Chia and oat emulsion gels 27 Fat (75%) Improved monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Increased minerals content and α linolenic acid Pintado et al., 2018 Beef sausages Pre-emulsified hazelnut oil 50 and 100 Fat (50%) Decreases saturated fats, and increases unsaturated fats Urgu-Öztürk et al., 2020 Hazelnut powder 3 and 6 Equivalent texture, sensory, and technological quality to standards BHT, butylhydroxytoluene..
Processing and conditions of conservation and consumption
Different factors associated with processing, conservation, and consumption conditions can result in harmful compounds or biological values (Rebezov et al., 2022). Possible alterations in the density variation of some substances, such as nitrosamines and polycyclic and biogenic amines, can affect the taste of the meat or have harmful health consequences (Flores et al., 2019). Although present in a wide variety of meat products, these compounds are considered carcinogenic and are mainly produced from chemical reactions between the nitrifying agents and secondary amines present in the complex matrix. These compounds may be influenced by many factors, such as nitrite content, degree of protein oxidation, and processing methods, such as fermentation and curing (Lu et al., 2022).
This nonthermal technology has also shown potential application in preserving packaged food products against pathogenic microbes, offering antimicrobial treatment for food already sealed in packages (Gao et al., 2021; Jadhav and Annapure, 2021). For example, Bauer et al. (2017) reported favorable results with the application of atmospheric cold plasma in packed beef longissimus, which resulted in a log 2 reduction of inoculated
Another meat product ingredient that must be reduced is sodium chloride (NaCl). NaCl is responsible for conferring a high risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in people who excessively consume NaCl from meat products (Kim et al., 2021). Although the addition of NaCl improves the solubilization of proteins, enhances flavor, and increases the shelf life of the food product, in some products, potassium chloride can be used as a substitute for NaCl to reduce sodium levels (Tan et al., 2022).
There is a growing interest in incorporating seaweeds (Vilar et al., 2020) instead of synthetic additives. The addition of functional compounds to meat products gives them advantages over conventional meat products. Incorporating seaweeds, a type of algae, in the formulation of meat products creates a source of biocompounds that offer health benefits due to their antioxidant capacity potential and their antihyperlipidemic, antihypertensive, and anticancer properties (Gullón et al., 2020). Algae can be incorporated in concentrations up to 40%, significantly reducing the microbial count (Wang et al., 2018). These marine ingredients contain high levels of vitamins, protein, minerals, and dietary fiber; however, their consumption is relatively low in Western countries despite being a product that can be easily purchased and at low cost (Gullón et al., 2020). The bioactive ingredients present in algae can give meat products functional properties, including antioxidant, neuroprotective, and antigenotoxic properties, resulting in healthier foods (Wang et al., 2023).
In the study conducted by Quitral et al. (2019), sausages with added algae had a low level of nitrites (up to 26% lower compared to conventional sausages) and maintained their physicochemical characteristics. Moreover, the partial or total substitution of nitrite in meat products has been investigated in several studies due to its detrimental effect on human health (Ferysiuk and Wójciak, 2020). Plant-based ingredients, as natural antioxidants, have been studied as a partial substitute for nitrite. However, their use has been limited due to alterations in the sensory and textural attributes of the food (Šojić et al., 2019). Nevertheless, the combination of natural antioxidants seems to be an effective way to maintain the sensory characteristics, product quality, and reduction in nitrite content (Šojić et al., 2020).
The association between meat consumption and chronic disease has sparked much debate, but meat production and distribution remain crucial for the global economy and food supply. This presents an opportunity for the development of healthy and functional meat products. Various studies have suggested approaches and guidelines for modifying meat composition through genetic engineering or livestock feeding by incorporating bioactive ingredients. Reformulating products with bioactive compounds such as unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics, and vitamins is also valuable. Processing and storage conditions, including innovative technologies such as HPP, can enhance the presence of biologically significant compounds. Evaluating the impact of processing, reformulation, and compositional changes is necessary to develop competitive strategies in the meat industry.
The authors also acknowledge the Food Safety and Process Management Master’s Program of ESPOL for providing resources and materials.
This research was supported by the Dean of Research at ESPOL in 2022∼2023.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish.
Concept and design: CE, PJC. Writing the article: CE, MB, CB, HT. Critical revision of the article: JC, MRP, CE, PJC. Final approval of the article: all authors. Obtained funding: PJC. Overall responsibility: PJC.
Table 1 . Approaches for the development of healthier meat
Host Population (n) Dosage Feeding ingredient Duration (d) Objective Result Reference Male pigs 96 3% Fish oil 98 Reduce fat and improve lipid profile High quality meat with the highest content of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Almeida et al., 2021 Nelore bulls 48 3%
2.5 mg/kg of dry matter
500 UI of vitamin E/kgCanola oil
Vitamin E84 Improve lipid profile Increased unsaturated fatty acids and ω-3 and linoleic acid levels
Decreased saturated fat
Improved the ω-6/ω-3 ratioCorrea et al., 2022 Nelore bovine 63 0.3, 0.9, and 2.7 mg Se/kg of dry matter Organic selenium 84 Increase mineral content of meat Reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
Higher selenium concentration in meatSilva et al., 2020 Lambs 48 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg of dry matter Grape seed extract 45 Improve liver function, growth performance and meat quality in the longissimus dorsi muscle Increased the total antioxidative capacity, catalase, glutathione per-oxidase, and superoxide dismutase activity in the longissimus dorsi muscle Mu et al., 2020 Finishing pigs 18 100 and 200 mg/kg Lycopene 70 Improve meat quality Increased muscle redness intramuscular fat, crude protein contents, and juiciness of pork after slaughter Wen et al., 2022 Holstein-Friesian bulls 24 20, 40 g/animal/d Herbal extracts(optirum and stresomix) 150 Improve meat quality Beneficial technological properties and sensory tenderness of longissimus lumborum muscles Modzelewska-Kapituła et al., 2018 Angus steers 24 150 g/kg Grape pomace pulp 90 Extent shelf-life Enhancement of antioxidant activity and reduction of coliforms, lipid, and protein oxidation Tayengwa et al., 2020
Table 2 . Approaches for developing healthier meat products
Strategy Meat product Ingredient added Percentage added (%) Replaced/reduced ingredient Result Reference Replacing synthetic components Cooked pork meat patties Walnut leaf powder 0.2 and 0.5 BHT (0.1%) Walnut at 0.5% in cooked pork patties was more effective than 0.1% BHT in reducing the lipid oxidation Boruzi and Nour, 2019 Ground buffalo meat Ganesh pomegranate peel extract 1 and 1.5 BHT (0.01%) Improved the preservation under storage at 4°C. Higher content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Lower Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values Ghimire et al., 2022 Pork sausages Green and black tea extracts 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.3 BHT (0.1%) Reduction of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances values. Overall acceptability (color, odor, texture, juiciness, and taste) Jayawardana et al., 2019 Meatballs Green tea extract 1 BHT (0.01%) Oxidative stability after 90 days of frozen storage. Extended shelf-life. Improved acceptability Wojtasik-Kalinowska et al., 2021 Fermented dry sausages Radish powders 0.5 and 1 Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate (150 mg/kg) Accomplished nitrite and nitrate substitution, regarding pH, color, and lactic acid bacteria development Ozaki et al., 2021 Reducing synthetic components Frankfurters Brown edible seaweeds 1 Salt (NaCl) 50%
Fat 21%Improved the nutritional quality through mainly salt reduction. Significant differences in sensory and textural attributes Vilar et al., 2020 Turkey meat sausages Lyophilized Cystoseira barbata seaweed0.2 and 0.4 Sodium nitrite (70 ppm) Inhibitory microbial effect and retarded lipid oxidation Sellimi et al., 2017 Beef sausages Tomato powder
Flaxseed powder3 Sodium nitrite residue Increased of Linolenic acids, lycopene, protein, and fiber. Maintained sensorial characteristics on cooked and fried sausages Ghafouri-Oskuei et al., 2020 Low-fat Bologna sausages Chia mucilage powder and gel 2 Phosphate (50%)
Fat (50%)Better emulsion stability and overall acceptance Câmara et al., 2020 Fresh sausages ( longaniza )Chia and oat emulsion gels 27 Fat (75%) Improved monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Increased minerals content and α linolenic acid Pintado et al., 2018 Beef sausages Pre-emulsified hazelnut oil 50 and 100 Fat (50%) Decreases saturated fats, and increases unsaturated fats Urgu-Öztürk et al., 2020 Hazelnut powder 3 and 6 Equivalent texture, sensory, and technological quality to standards BHT, butylhydroxytoluene.
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