Common Omani ethnobotanical plants included in the study
Scientific name | Acronym | Type of plant | Local name | Local use |
Acridocarpus orientalis | AO | Shrub | Qafas | Medicine |
Caralluma penicillata | CP | Herb | Ddaja | Medicine |
Dodonaea viscosa | DV | Shrub | Shahs | Food and medicine |
Euphorbia larica | EL | Shrub | Isbiq | Medicine |
Fagonia indica | FI | Herb | Shukaa | Medicine |
Ficus cordata | FC | Tree | L’thab | Food and medicine |
Juniperus excelsa | JE | Tree | Al’alan | Medicine |
Lavandula subnuda | LS | Herb | Sumar | Medicine |
Moringa peregrina | MP | Tree | Shua | Food and medicine |
Olea europaea | OE | Tree | Itm | Food and medicine |
Oxalis corniculata | OC | Herb | Hommath | Food and medicine |
Plocama aucheri | PA | Herb | Mkuroman | Medicine |
Portulaca oleracea | PO | Herb | Farfenaa | Food and medicine |
Prosopis cineraria | PC | Tree | Ghaf | Food |
Pteropyrum scoparium | PS | Herb | Sidaf | Food and medicine |
Rhus aucheri | RA | Shrub | Ka’tf | Medicine |
Teucrium mascatense | TM | Herb | Ja’ada | Medicine |
Teucrium stocksianum | TS | Herb | Ja’ada | Medicine |