Proximate compositions of Yanggaeng treated with tempeh powder (%)
Proximate composition | CON | TP2 | TP4 | TP6 |
Moisture | 44.59±0.25NS | 45.83±0.75 | 48.32±0.66 | 44.31±0.23 |
Crude ash | 0.04±0.02ab | 0.06±0.03ab | 0.01±0.05b | 0.09±0.03a |
Crude fat | 0.43±0.30NS | 0.84±0.61 | 1.06±0.59 | 0.30±0.16 |
Crude protein | 6.77±0.84c | 9.76±3.21bc | 13.56±1.66ab | 14.33±1.90a |
Carbohydrate |
48.17±1.13a | 43.50±2.11ab | 41.07±2.06b | 40.96±1.92b |
CON, Yanggaeng prepared with 0% tempeh powder; TP2, Yanggaeng prepared with 2% tempeh powder; TP4, Yanggaeng prepared with 4% tempeh powder; TP6, Yanggaeng prepared with 6% tempeh powder.
Data are presented as mean±SD (n=3). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test.
Means with different letters (a-c) in the same row are significantly different at
1)Carbohydrate=100−(moisture+crude ash+crude fat+crude protein).