Fig. 7. Effects of Naticol
Ⓡ on skin melanogenesis-related factors, tyrosinase activity (A), nitric oxide (B), cAMP (C), protein band (D), p-PKA (E), p-CREB (F), MITF (G), TRP-1 (H), and TRP-2 (I) in the dorsal skin of SKH-I hairless mice exposed to UVB. NC, AIN93G; C, UVB irradiation+AIN93G; PC1, UVB irradiation+AIN93G with L-ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg); PC2, UVB irradiation+AIN93G with arbutin (100 mg/kg); Naticol
Ⓡ150, UVB irradiation+AIN93G with Naticol
Ⓡ collagen (150 mg/kg); Naticol
Ⓡ300, UVB irradiation+AIN93G with Naticol
Ⓡ collagen (300 mg/kg). Values are presented as mean±SD. Different letters (a-f) represent significant differences at
P<0.05, as determined by Duncan’s multiple range test. Biomarkers used for Western blot analysis are listed in
Table 1. NC, normal control; C, control; PC, positive control; UVB, ultraviolet B.
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