Fig. 3. Effect of regular (control group, n=9) and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-enriched (n-3 PUFA group, n=14) hen egg consumption on skin microvascular responsiveness range to acute exhausting exercise (AEE) sessions in competitive athletes. (A) Difference in post occlusive reactive hyperemia (PORH) responsiveness, ΔPORH=PORHpost-AEE−PORHpre-AEE, (B) difference in acetylcholine-induced dilation (AChID) responsiveness, ΔAChID=AChIDpost-AEE−AChIDpre-AEE, and (C) difference in sodium nitroprusside-induced dilation (SNPID) responsiveness, ΔSNPID=SNPIDpost-AEE−SNPIDpre-AEE. PORH measurements are expressed as the difference between percentage of flow change during reperfusion and occlusion in relation to baseline (R-O%). AChID and SNPID are expressed as flow increase following ACh or SNP administration compared to baseline flow. Data are presented as arithmetic mean±SD. *P=0.008 (for ΔAChID) before vs. after within the n-3 PUFA group (paired t-test).
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